Lesson 6: Is there a good restaurant near here?

Is there a good restaurant near here? - Is there a good restaurant near here?


¿Hay un buen restaurante cerca de aquí?

Is there a good restaurant near here?

¿Puede recomendar un restaurante cerca de aquí?

Can you recommend a restaurant near here?

Estamos buscando un sitio de gastronomía típica.

We're looking for somewhere with local food.

un sitio romántico

somewhere romantic

Queremos ir a algún sitio romántico.

We want to go somewhere romantic.

un sitio barato

somewhere cheap

Estamos buscando un sitio barato.

We're looking for somewhere cheap.

un sitio con música en directo

somewhere with live music

¿Puede recomendar algún sitio con música en directo?

Can you recommend somewhere with live music?

¿Dónde hay un buen mexicano?

Where's good for Mexican food?

¿Puede escribirme la dirección?

Can you write the address down?

Hay un restaurante estupendo en la calle Almagro.

There's a great restaurant on Green Street.

Se llama Café La Habana.

It's called Cafe Havana.

Podrías ir al Café La Habana.

You could try Cafe Havana.

Here's a tip

In this unit, you'll learn how to ask someone for a recommendation. You'll also learn to explain what kind of place you're looking for.

Is there a good restaurant near here?

Can you recommend a restaurant near here?

We're looking for somewhere with local food.

somewhere romantic

somewhere cheap

somewhere with live music

Can you recommend somewhere with live music?

Can you write the address down?

There's a great restaurant on Verdi Street.

It's called Cafe Havana.

You could try Cafe Havana.

The next three flashcards each contain a useful phrase and a full sentence to show the phrase in context. Make sure you listen to both. To challenge yourself, try to use each phrase in a different sentence. Writing them down will help you to memorise this new language.

Now let's learn some phrases that people might use when they recommend a place to you.


Fran: Disculpe, ¿hay un buen restaurante cerca de aquí? Estamos buscando un lugar barato.

Fran: Excuse me, is there a good restaurant near here? We’re looking for somewhere cheap.

Jane: Pues hay un restaurante italiano muy bueno cerca de la estación. No es caro.

Jane: Er, there’s a really good Italian restaurant near the station. It isn’t expensive.

Fran: Suena genial.

Fran: That sounds great.

Jane: Se llama pizzería Vittorio. Está en la calle Santísima Trinidad.

Jane: It’s called Pizzeria Vittorio. It’s on Water Street.

Fran: Vale. ¿Puede escribirme la dirección?

Fran: OK. Can you write the address down?

Jane: ¡Claro, sin problema!

Jane: Sure, no problem.