Lesson 5: Where is the train station?

Where is the train station? - Where is the train station?


¿Dónde está la estación de tren?

Where is the train station?

¿Hay un parque cerca de aquí?

Is there a park near here?

Busco el museo.

I'm looking for the museum.

¿Puedo ir caminando?

Can I walk there?

¿Me lo puede enseñar en el mapa?

Can you show me on the map?

Gire a la derecha.

Turn right.

Gire a la izquierda.

Turn left.

Está a la derecha.

It's on the right.

Está a la izquierda.

It's on the left.

Está cerca del cine.

It's near the cinema.

Tiene que coger el autobús.

You need to get the bus.

Tarda diez minutos.

It takes ten minutes.

Here's a tip

In this unit, you'll learn how to ask someone for directions. You'll also learn to understand some of the directions people might give you.

Where is the train station?

Is there a park near here?

I'm looking for the museum.

Can I walk there?

Can you show me on the map?

Turn right.

Turn left.

It's on the left.

It's near the cinema.

You need to get the bus.

It takes ten minutes.

First, let's start by learning some questions and phrases you can use when you need to ask for directions.

Now let's focus on understanding the directions that people might give you.


Julie: Disculpe, busco la National Gallery.

Julie: Excuse me. I’m looking for the National Gallery.

Mark: Ah, mmmm... Está cerca de Trafalgar Square.

Mark: Oh, er, it's near Trafalgar Square.

Julie: Vale. ¿Puedo ir andando?

Julie: OK. Can I walk there?

Mark: No, está demasiado lejos. Tiene que coger el autobús.

Mark: No, it's too far. You need to get the bus.

Julie: Ya veo. ¿Hay una parada de autobús cerca de aquí?

Julie: Right, I see. Is there a bus stop near here?

Mark: Sí, allí. El autobús tarda unos 15 minutos en llegar al museo.

Mark: Yes, over there. The bus takes about 15 minutes to get to the gallery.

Julie: De acuerdo. Gracias por su ayuda.

Julie: OK. Thanks for your help.

Mark: No hay problema.

Mark: No problem.